Friday Night Live : December 2017

Continuing with our commitment to world class support for our customers, Friday Night Live is a project to help enthusiasts (and professional detailers) understand what we do, we offer advice for maintenance and repair of vehicles from a detailing perspective in a very relaxed format.

This content features our tradesmen (and sometimes customers) talking shop over a, usually alcoholic drink on a Friday night.  We do attempt to remove the expletives, but there may be some naughty words and cheeky references.


Friday December 15th 2017 : Golf R (mk7) : 20min

The last Friday Night Live for 2017 is a slightly Christmas themed 20 minute show.

We drink another Mountain Goat beverage, we go for a drive in Chantelle's Golf Arrgghh, Dom insults Damian with a comment aimed at ridiculing his ethnic lineage, we answer many questions about colour changing 'wheel cleaners', household use for detailing products, professional detailing business in Melbourne, paint correction for lawn mowers, FI QR code usage, we offer a code for 5% off Purity and more.

Thanks for your viewership, your questions, your feedback and your custom, have a safe and merry Christmas and New Year from all at Final Inspection :)





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